Just a quick reminder on Short Term Independent Study: Short Term independent study is for students who are going to be out of school for a minimum of 5 days. The maximum number of days out depends on the grade level (check with main office). In order to qualify for Short term independent study, you must email Mrs. Lissick (helenl@fsusd.org) and your child's teacher. You must give two weeks notice in order to qualify for for short term I.S. When you email, please include student name, dates they are going to be out, specific reason for the request, and the first day returning to school. Please write "Independent study for _________(student name) in the subject line. Please know that all students/parents approved for short term I.S. must sign a contract and under the law, they must follow the guidelines in the contract with no exceptions. Please note, while most teacher do approve requests, they are under no obligation to approve the request. Often, requests are not approve...