CHE Update for the Week of September 19

Hello everyone,

I hope all went well this week. Again, your kids rock and I think we are lucky to be able share so much time with them. A few announcements, topics of interest, and calendar events for the next few weeks. Have a great day!

1. Parking: Many of you had many questions about parking and drop-off/pick-up. A few reminders and news:

              -The staff lot is closed for drop off and pick up. While this is clearly marked at the entrance, I know the informal practice has been to allow drop off and pick up in this lot. We are now closing the gate during drop off and pick up. We want to protect student safety and avoid having students walk thru the lot with cars moving. Additionally, some employees arrive and depart right at the end of school and often are unable to leave because they are blocked in.

              -The front lot is closed during morning drop off and afternoon pick up. Many students are entering and exiting the front of the building and having moving cars in the lot is unsafe.

              -Please continue to follow the law when driving around CHE. This includes keeping speed down, obeying cross-walk guards, and not leaving your car unattended at the front drop off/pick up curb.

2. Morning Procedures: Just a reminder that school starts at 8:20 (at morning PE). The warning bell rings at 8:15 and we begin to shut gates at 8:20. If the bell has rung, please enter through the main office and please be kind to our custodian and yard supervisors as they are closing the gate. Additionally, it is really important that parents avoid interfering with classes leaving morning PE. It is difficult for teachers to supervise the children on the way to class as we have many parents and strollers walking up at the same time with classes. Please leave before morning PE is over or after students have left for the classroom. Thank you!

3. Attendance Competition: The competition with local schools is well underway and we are in close competition. We were in the lead thru Wednesday but Thursday saw a huge number of absent students and we dropped to second. Remember, every day counts and we appreciate you coming to school!

4. Freeborn Creek: Our GATE students have been organizing and promoting Coastal/Creek Clean Up Day and are excited for Saturday (9-12) when we expect a large number of families to be behind the school at Freeborn Creek, cleaning up the local watershed area. Thanks for your help in advance. For more information, check out: Freeborn Creek Cleanup.

5. Library Reading Club: Our library is open during the week starting at 7:45 a.m. for students to come in and read before school starts.

6. ELAC: The English Language Advisory Council desperately needs interested members. If you are interested and the parent of an English learner, please contact the school or email me at as soon as possible.

7. Spirit Days: Upcoming Spirit Days: Sports Day (9/23), Pirate Day (October 28th), Patriotic Day (November 18).

8. Upcoming Dates:  Boy Scout Informational Meeting (9/21 @6:00), Box Tops/Labels Due (9/30), School Site Council Meeting (10/27 @ 4:30 library), School Wide Fun Run Pep Rally (10/3), Walk to School Day (October 5), SOM Lunch (10/7), No School (10/10), Fun Run (10/12), Red Ribbon Week (10/24-28), Trunk or Treat (10/21), Halloween Parade (10/31).

9. PTA Fundraiser: Support our PTA with the Mrs. Fields Cookie Fundraiser. Packets should arrive soon and include a wide array of cookie choices. The Fundraiser lasts thru Monday 10/3. Checks should be made to the CHE PTA.


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