CHE Community Update for 10/14

Over $20,000! That is how much we raised through our Coyote Fun Run. WOW! I know we ask a lot of our parent community and staff when it comes to fundraising but the outcome is pretty amazing and will reap direct benefits in all of our classrooms. Thank you all, especially our PTA board and volunteers that put in an enormous amount of personal time and energy into the first two months of school. Students can still take donations thru the end of October.

I mentioned in my last blog update that many from across FSUSD are participating in an informal challenge for the month of October to complete 100 miles (walk/run), 100 minutes of plank, and 100 minutes of meditation. I am at 30 running miles, 28 minutes of plank, and 50 minutes of meditation. I hope some of you can join us. Feel free to tag yourself or your family participating on social media with the tag #movetober! I would love to have you all join me in staying healthy and active!

A great article (Withholding Recess) on recess. We are trying to minimize using recess as a consequence for misbehavior or for not doing academics in the class. We are not perfect but it is an aim.

Ok, on for some important announcements and things to remember:

1. Progress Reports: They are out and we've fielded many calls in the main office. A few points that we ask that you remember: this first progress report is a small snap shot (one month) of school. Often this first progress report doesn't show the growth we hope for in our students. Please communicate with the teacher directly about how we can team together to support your student into the near future. Also, if a student receives an N or P in any area, it letting you know they need some improvement in that area or that they are making adequate progress!

2. Red Ribbon Week : All schools in FSUSD are celebrating Red Ribbon Week from 10/24-10/28. We want to raise awareness and make sure that our campuses and communities are healthy and remain drug free. We have a few special activities and posters/bookmarks/wrist bands for the kids.

3. Halloween and Halloween Parade:  CHE has a tradition of celebrating Halloween and this year we continue. We will host a parade on Monday, October 31st. The parade will start around 8:25 (after 5 minute PE). Classes will start on the blacktop and will parade (2x) thru the amphitheater/quad area. We ask that parents sit in the amphitheater seating. They can take video or photos from that area. Students are to wear school appropriate costumes (no masks, no blood, no weapons, and we ask that the avoid having clown costumes this year).

Upcoming Events/Dates:

Trunk or Treat: October 21st @ 6:00 p.m. (Please consider donating candy. You can send it to the class)

Spirit Day: October 28th--Pirate Day! Box Tops for Education due to (please put class name on tops)

Halloween Parade: October 31st @ 8:25

NON Student Day: November 4th

No School--Veterans Day: November 11th

Conference Week (Min. Days): November 14th-18th (school releases at 11:40)


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