Cordelia Hills Update for 9/30

I hope all is well this terrific, sunny Friday! Things are going well here at Cordelia Hills and we only have 4 students absent school wide! Wow! Today wraps up the last day of the book fair and it has been a tremendous success. PTA still has one after school session left and we hope you can make it. The students and staff have been excited about raising money for Holiday Hope. The final decision (Trotter pirate vs. Trotter merman) will be announced Monday!

Late last week our school held our fall IPR (in progress review). During the IPR, District office staff join site staff to review school site data (test scores, discipline data, walk-thru data, etc.) and work with staff to come up with a site goal and action plan centered on achieving that goal. Our IPR goal centers on increasing the amount of academic conversation happening in our classrooms everyday. Academic conversations are "back-and-forth dialogues in which students focus on a topic and explore it by building, challenging, and negotiating relevant ideas". Academic conversations are especially important as we encourage our students to collaborate and critically think. Parents can help with our goal by having more in-depth conversations about what students are reading or asking students to explain or defend math or science problems. We look forward to growing in this area this year!

One other area of focus is PBIS (positive behavior interventions and support). We are focusing on building school wide supports for positive behavior. This includes using common language on expectations (safe, responsible, respectful), using our behavior data system to better track student behavior referral data), and to positively recognize and reward our students. 

School Event Highlights:

1. Coyote Color Run Pep Rally--October 3rd

2. International Walk to School Day--October 5th (I plan on running to school all the way from Green Valley. I hope your students can walk that day!)

3. Student of the Month Lunch--October 7th 

4. Final Day for teachers to send progress reports--October 11th. Please contact the teacher with any questions/concerns. Conferences come in November but you don't have to wait to meet and conference with any of our teachers.

4. Coyote Color Run Day--October 12th 

5. English Language Advisory Committee Meeting--October 13 @ 8:20 in B-5. folleto en espaƱolFlyer in Espanol

PTA information:

1. Check out the PTA Facebook page. Search Cordelia Hills PTA (or check out and check out all of the great things our PTA is doing and learn about volunteering to help our school!

2. A message from PTA on the fun run: 

We are only one week away from kicking off the Cordelia Hills Fun Run! Next Monday, October 3 our 2-week fundraising program will begin and we are so excited! We’ll start with a Pep Rally, then your family will have time to get pledges, and then every student will participate in the Cordelia Hills Fun Run! This year, our goal is to raise $20,000 for technology and we need your help! Please begin thinking about friends and family who could pledge your student for the Cordelia Hills Fun Run. Look for a pledgebook to come home on Monday, October 3 to learn how to pledge. And don’t forget to save the Fun Run Date—Wednesday, October 12—on your calendar. You’re invited to come out and cheer on our students! More details to come. Thank you for supporting Cordelia Hills and have a great day!


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