CHE Update for 5/30

Hi everyone! We are in the final stretch with just a few days left in school. Just a few very quick updates/announcements:

Scouts of America: The Scouts are holding an information night here, tomorrow, May 31st from 6-8 p.m. in the MPR. Please stop by if you have any questions or interest in Scouting! Join the many students already apart of the scouts here in Cordelia!

Science and Health Fair is this Thursday, June 1 from 4:30-6:30. The evening includes a ton of student projects, five outside presenters, and even opportunities to dissect! All are welcome! I hope to see you at the event! For more information, check out the website created for the event:

Field Day: Classes will be participating in a range of outdoor activities as part of field day on Monday, June 5th and will rotate thru a few stations. Many of the events were created by students!

Yearbook Distribution: Yearbooks have arrived and will be distributed to students who pre-ordered on Tuesday, June 6th. Any remaining yearbooks that have not been distributed will go on sale at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 8th in the main office. It is first come, first serve and the office will only accept cash ($20.00).

Honor Roll Assembly: Honor Roll assembly for grades 4 and 5 will be Thursday, June 8th. Please note that the assembly will start at 8:30. Teachers are still working on grades and so we can't announce recipients just yet.

-----------------Last Day of School events-----------

Friday, June 9th::

Minimum Day  (K dismissal at 11:35 a.m. and 1-5 dismissal at 11:40).

Perfect attendance assembly at 8:30 a.m. Please note invitations for this will go out later this week.
5th Grade farewell starts at 10:30. Please remember we are only able to accommodate a limited number of guests for the 5th grade farewell. Thanks for your understanding.

**Lastly, PLEASE come check the lost and found. Leftover jackets, coats, etc. will be donated the week after school releases.**


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