CHE Update for 5/22

Just a few days left for the 2016-2017 school year and we have so much left to do! Thank you for your support of our school and your students! It is so easy to mail it in these last few weeks and so we appreciate your work in keeping the passion alive for our students! 

A HUGE thank you to the many volunteers, staff members, and especially PTA members who made the Coyote Howl Hop possible. I really enjoyed my first year at the event and was so happy to see so many wonderful families together enjoying the warm evening on our campus. Thank you! A big congratulations to the many students who are wrapping up successful baseball and softball seasons and are now starting summer swimming! I love seeing students excited about activities that extend beyond school! 

Lastly, we are wrapping up CAASPP state testing right this moment. I literally have one student left and she is testing in my office at this very moment. We have some final District assessments to complete and then we are all done assessing for the year. Thanks for your support!

Upcoming activities and events:

1. 5th grade Farewell: As mentioned before, FSUSD is no longer holding 5th grade promotion ceremonies at any of the elementary schools/K-8 schools. In the place of a promotion, we are holding a farewell event on Friday, June 9th from 10:15-11:30. A letter will go out in backpacks tomorrow with final details regarding this event. Also, I will still take 5th grade photos. Please email them to me at

2. Attendance: As the school year winds down, we have seen an uptick in students missing school. Please remember that every day counts and we really need all students to be at school unless they have a legitimate reason to be out. We really appreciate your support in making attendance at CHE a priority. 

3.  Science and Health Fair: Check out our upcoming science fair for 2017! A ton of great information about the upcoming event!

4. Yearbooks: Yearbooks will be distributed on Tuesday, June 6th. We will have a VERY limited amount of additional books for sale on that day. They will be sold on a first come, first serve basis for $20.00. 

5/23 and 5/24: Talent Show assembly, 8:30-10:00 a.m.
5/23: Volunteer Appreciation Reception @ 3:15
5/25: Last Day to return library books
5/26, 5/29: No School, students and teachers
6/1: 4:30-6:30, Science and Health Fair, MPR
6/6: Yearbook Distribution
6/8: Honor Roll Assembly
6/9: Perfect Attendance Assembly @ 8:30, 5th grade farewell @ 10:30

2017-18 calendar: FSUSD 2017-18 calendar


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