CHE Update for 2/26

Mr. Amos selected as Classified Employee of the Year

Our wonderful custodian, Amos Coleman, was selected as the FSUSD Classified Employee of the Year. We are so excited for Amos. Our student leadership group has some special events planned for him. Be sure to give him a fist bump if you see him. He'll appreciate it.

MAP Testing Window Closes

MAP Testing (District benchmark testing in ELA and Math) is now closed. We have just a few make-ups. Overall, our students saw tremendous growth. With each class in 1st-5th taking two assessments, 24 of the 38 test sessions saw growth at more than 100% of expected growth. MAP is a great indicator of potential CAASPP performance. For more information on Spring CAASPP testing, check out: Testing will start in late April and will run through May.

Attendance Numbers

Our attendance numbers for last week: 

Top Four Classes: Byland, Baker/Spence, Ellsworth, White


PTA board nominations still open. EMAIL me for more information. 

2/28: Home Depot Build Night hosted by PTA, GVMS Band Performance @ 9
3/1: GVMS Incoming 6th Grader meeting @ 8:45 (students/staff only)
3/2: No School, Teacher Workday and End of Trimester
3/9: Cordelia Hills Family Reading Night from 5:30-7:00 in the MPR
3/14-3/16: Minimum Days with Dismissal at 11:50
3/26-4/2: Spring Break


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