CHE Update for 2/12

Amos Coleman nominated for Classified Employee of the Year

Our head custodian, Mr. Amos, has been nominated as one of Fairfield-Suisun's Classified Employees of the Year. All of the nominees will be recognized on Thursday, February 22nd at the FSUSD District Office starting at 6:00 p.m. 

Updates and Dates for this week and beyond are below. Check them out and have an amazing week!

1. MAP Testing Continues: MAP Benchmark Testing continues this week for grades 1-5. The results are pouring in and we are still a ton of growth from many of our students. The best thing you can do to help your student is to have them at school, on-time, and with a healthy breakfast or snack. Also, just remind them that the test is ALL about growth. We aren't measuring them against the other students or against a fixed measure. Instead, we are looking to see that they continue to grow. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's teacher anytime.

2. PTA Nominations: PTA meets tonight at 6:15 in the library. They are holding nominations for PTA 2018-19 tonight. We will have some turnover and we need your help. The PTA raises an enormous amount of funds for our classrooms and organizes a multitude of fantastic events over the course of the year. Your involvement in the group is key. It is a diverse group of parents who put children first. See you tonight!

3. District Calendars for 2018-19 can be found HERE!

4. Google Hangouts: One of the features of the google platform that our District uses is Google Hangouts. The chat feature allows students, teachers, and staff to talk via the chat feature. The positives allow for more efficient communication but as you can imagine, the feature is open to abuse. It is really important that you continuously monitor what your child is doing on all devices and social media and that you make them aware of the positive and negatives impacts of the "digital footprint" they leave. We appreciate your support.

2/13: PTA meeting @ 6:15. Nominations open. Email me for more info! 
2/19: No School
2/28: Open Enrollment period closes for FSUSD
3/2: No School, Teacher Workday and End of Trimester
3/14-3/16: Minimum Days with Dismissal at 11:50
3/26-4/2: Spring Break

Check out our Facebook, Twitter Feed, and Instagram Page for a ton of photos each week!


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