Weekly Update for CHE, 1/17

Good morning everyone! I hope the three day weekend went well. A few important updates and announcements for the next few weeks.

1. Progress Reports: Staff is working on progress reports for students that are behind grade level standards in math and/or ELA. Students who are progressing near, at, or above standards in both areas will not receive a progress report. Please communicate any concerns or questions with the classroom teacher so that we can work as a team to support students.

2. MAP/MPG: Students in Grades 1-5 are taking District benchmark assessments in math and/or ELA. These assessments focus on identifying individual student progress and provide students/staff with areas of focus for growth in the near future. The whole model is focused on growth by student. Additionally, students will be taking District writing assessments in February. Our school and District believe that writing is probably the clearest indicator of student progress and we look forward to seeing the progress our students have made around writing.

3. Upcoming School-Wide Events:

    PBIS (on-going): Our students can earn paw prides for showing they are doing an exceptional job following the three school rules (safe, responsible, respectful). If student Paw Prides are selected during Friday announcements, they earn a pick from the office prize box.

    Great Kindness Challenge: CHE and many other schools across the District/country are participating in the Great Kindness Challenge during the week of January 23rd (http://www.greatkindnesschallenge.org/). The goal is to practice as many acts of kindness as possible during the week. The website has some interesting, novel ideas and challenges. I hope you can encourage your student(s) to participate!

    Global Play Day/100th Day of School: Global Play Day and the 100th Day of School are coming up on February 1st. The Global Play Day encourages teachers to allow students the opportunity for unstructured play (for a part or all of the day). The event encourages students to have to create, think, develop interaction habits, and independence without heavy adult supervision every step of the way. Teachers may ask for your help in bringing in games, legos, and other materials to help support the day. We appreciate your help! Also, the 100th day of school is coming and it is important day for primary grades as they use the day to focus on number sense and in math lessons.

    School Spirit Day: The next school spirit day is coming up on Friday, January 27th. The day is Western Day and students are encouraged to wear Western Wear! I can't wait to see what our students can come up with!

    Father/Daughter Dance: This PTA sponsored event is coming up on Friday, February 10th from 5:30-8:30 in the MPR. More information is coming. Check out the Cordelia PTA Facebook page or the PTA website at http://www.cordeliahillspta.org/ for information and updates.

    Family Math Night: CHE staff members are sponsoring a Family Math Night on Thursday, February 16th. The evening includes math games and light refreshments. Come celebrate math at CHE from 5:30-7:30

Other Dates:
January 18th: 4/5 School Spelling Bee @ 8:30
January 19th: School Site Council @ 4:30
January 20th: Progress Reports Due to Admin, 6 p.m.
January 23rd: Great Kindness Challenge--all week
January 26th: ELAC at 3:15
January 27th: Progress reports go home, Spirit Day--Western Day
February 1st: 100th day of school
February 3rd: Student of the Month Lunch
February 13th and 20th: No School, Lincoln and Washington Birthdays
February 14: PTA meeting, library @ 3:15 p.m.
February 15: Spring Photo Day


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