
Welcome to a brand new calendar year and part two of the 2016-17 school year. I am so excited to hit the ground running and I look forward to serving you every single day!

Instead of a new years resolution, I am choosing one word that I hope will guide my thinking and actions in 2017. My #OneWord2017 is INTENTIONAL. I hope that most of my actions here at the school are intentional. In other words, from the cleanliness to top notch instruction, everything is not by chance or tradition but is instead done with purpose and with students at the forefront of planning.

Today has been a busy start to the week. We had several new students starting at our school, including an entire TK class. Ms. Victoria Gaba has joined us with 18 new Transitional Kindergarten Students.

Some important news:

1. Moses Montano has been named the 5th grade District Student of the Month. The FSUSD School Board recognizes one student from each school over the course of the school year. Moses will be formally recognized at the Thursday, January 12th school board meeting. Congratulations to Moses!

2. Our school attendance goal for this year is 98%. We have been hovering just around 97.5% for the first 80 days of school. While this is a great attendance record, we want to meet our goal. A few reminders about attendance:

School starts at 8:20 everyday. This means you should be on the PE yard by 8:20 (late students are marked tardy 😡.

Also, regular attendance is of vital importance at all grades but especially in TK-1st. Research shows that poor habits established in younger grades continue to impact children well into school. Check out this handy information from attendance works Attendance Matters.

For the new calendar year, we will recognize each class with the top attendance (TK-2 and 3-5) with an attendance trophy and the CHE stuffed Coyote Animal each week.

Below are some upcoming dates and reminders for the next few weeks:

Reminder on upcoming Dates and Events:
January 6: Student of the Month Lunch
January 10: PTA Meeting @ 3:15
January 12: District Student of the Month at District Office, 6:00 p.m.
January 13th: End of Progress Report Period
January 16th: No School, MLK Jr. Day
January 19th: School Site Council @ 4:30
January 20th: Progress Reports Due to Admin, 6 p.m.
January 23rd: Great Kindness Challenge--all week
January 26th: ELAC at 3:15
January 27th: Progress reports go home, Spirit Day--Western Day


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