
Showing posts from September, 2016

One additional Friday update--Short Term I.S.

Just a quick reminder on Short Term Independent Study: Short Term independent study is for students who are going to be out of school for a minimum of 5 days. The maximum number of days out depends on the grade level (check with main office). In order to qualify for Short term independent study, you must email Mrs. Lissick ( and your child's teacher. You must give two weeks notice in order to qualify for for short term I.S. When you email, please include student name, dates they are going to be out, specific reason for the request, and the first day returning to school. Please write "Independent study for _________(student name) in the subject line. Please know that all students/parents approved for short term I.S. must sign a contract and under the law, they must follow the guidelines in the contract with no exceptions. Please note, while most teacher do approve requests, they are under no obligation to approve the request. Often, requests are not approve...

Cordelia Hills Update for 9/30

I hope all is well this terrific, sunny Friday! Things are going well here at Cordelia Hills and we only have 4 students absent school wide! Wow! Today wraps up the last day of the book fair and it has been a tremendous success. PTA still has one after school session left and we hope you can make it. The students and staff have been excited about raising money for Holiday Hope. The final decision (Trotter pirate vs. Trotter merman) will be announced Monday! Late last week our school held our fall IPR (in progress review). During the IPR, District office staff join site staff to review school site data (test scores, discipline data, walk-thru data, etc.) and work with staff to come up with a site goal and action plan centered on achieving that goal. Our IPR goal centers on increasing the amount of academic conversation happening in our classrooms everyday.  Academic conversations  are "back-and-forth dialogues in which students focus on a topic and explore it by building, cha...

Community Update for 9/26

This last Friday I attended a CUE Rockstar Admin "conference"  in Marin. CUE (computer using teachers) promotes a mission of "inspiring   innovative learners by fostering community, personalizing learning, infusing technology, developing leadership, and advocating educational opportunities for all". I focused my efforts at the conference on learning about improving teacher professional development, on high quality math instructional practices, and on workflow techniques for staying out of the office. The final presenter had basically turned over her office to the PTA and ran her campus from out on campus. One presenter presented on math. I am sharing one of his resources here ( Advice for Parents on Promoting Math ). Now for some important announcements for the week: 1. CHE Book Fair starts today :  Our book fair starts today and lasts thru Friday, September 30th. The fair is hosted by our WONDERFUL PTA and is located in the Music Room (backside of the  cafete...

Attendance Competition--One Day Left

Hi everyone, Tomorrow is the final day of our attendance competition with local Cordelia/GV schools. Today we reached 98.26%. Let's make tomorrow a top day for the last two weeks. Can we reach 100%?!

Attendance Update

Hi everyone, The attendance competition is winding down. Only 2 days left. Today, 9/21 saw school wide attendance at 98.11%. Thanks much and let us keep working up towards 100%.

Boy Scout Meeting--9/21 @ 6:00

Boy Scouts will hold an informational meeting on Wednesday, 9/21 @ 6:00 p.m. in the MPR. Girl Scouts will join the presentation and all families are welcome.

Whoa! Attendance Greatness

Wow! 98.89 of our students here today! Amazing stuff everyone. 100% of Tk/K, 1st, and 3rd grade here. Keep up the great work everyone!

Attendance Competition--Week Two

The second week of the Green Valley/Cordelia Attendance competition is underway. Our numbers for the week: Tk/K: 100% 1st Grade:100% 2nd Grade: 95.6% 3rd Grade: 95.96% 4th Grade:  99.24% 5th Grade: 96.12% Overall for today: 97.94 Keep up the great work, Coyotes!!

Book Fair Volunteers Needed

Hi everyone, The book fair is coming up and help is needed. Check out the sign-up genius here:  Sign Up Genius

Attendance Update

The attendance competition wraps up the first week with 97.63% for the week. Great job. I think we will need to be above 98% to claim the attendance title. Let's make next week count!

CHE Update for the Week of September 19

Hello everyone, I hope all went well this week. Again, your kids rock and I think we are lucky to be able share so much time with them. A few announcements, topics of interest, and calendar events for the next few weeks. Have a great day! 1. Parking : Many of you had many questions about parking and drop-off/pick-up. A few reminders and news:               -The staff lot is closed for drop off and pick up. While this is clearly marked at the entrance, I know the informal practice has been to allow drop off and pick up in this lot. We are now closing the gate during drop off and pick up. We want to protect student safety and avoid having students walk thru the lot with cars moving. Additionally, some employees arrive and depart right at the end of school and often are unable to leave because they are blocked in.               -The front lot is closed during morning drop off and afternoon pick up. Many students ...

Attendance Competition Day 4--Ruh Roh!

Oh no! We had 17 students absent today. Keep up the great work from earlier this week and let's make this happen! Go Coyotes: TK/K:   98.30% 1st:      97.80% 2nd:     94.50% 3rd:     98.90% 4th:     99.03% 5th:     99.72% Overall, we are at 97.61 for the first four days. Go Coyotes!!

ELAC Member Nomination

Cordelia Hills continues to seek members for our English Language Advisory Committee. If you are interested in joining the ELAC and you have an English Learner student, please feel free to email me at or contact our school anytime. The ELAC generally meets 3-4 times a year and discusses and advises the school on how to best support English Learners. We appreciate all of your support and help!

Attendance Competition Day 3: WOW!

We rocked Day 3 with only 6 students absent school-wide: TK/K:   99.10% 1st:      97.82% 2nd:     97.80% 3rd:     100% 4th:     99.01% 5th:     100% Overall, the first three days has us at 97.99%. Go Coyotes!!

Attendance Competition Day 2

Our updated percentages after 2 days of the attendance competition: TK/K: 97.9% 1st:     96.56% 2nd:    97.80% 3rd:     96.86% 4th:     98.04% 5th:     98.86% Overall: 97.79%. Wow. We went up today! 4th and 5th grade with perfect attendance. Fantastic work students (and parents)!

Book Fair

The sign-up genius for volunteering at the Book Fair is now available. Follow this link to sign:  Book Fair Sign-Up Genius . Also, just some information on the fair: Book Fair :  The Fall Book fair is coming up the week of September 26th. The fair will be open before and after school in the music room (stage area). The PTA will be looking for volunteers and will post a sign up genius link soon. The theme for the Book Fair is Pirates. Also, we are sponsoring  ALL FOR BOOKS charity drive. For every dollar we raise, Scholastic donates a book to the cause of our choice. In order to encourage students to raise money, I will allow them to vote on a costume that I will wear in the near future. Apparently, mermaid is the top choice so far (wow!).

Attendance Competition Underway

Our attendance competition with area schools is underway. Today, we are as follows: TK/K: 97.5% 1st:     95.65% 2nd:    97.80% 3rd:     97.91% 4th:     96.07% 5th:     97.72% Overall: 97.15 %. Here we go CHE. Make it happen!

Community Update for the week of September 12

Hi everyone, I feel so lucky to work here with your students! They have to be some of the kindest little human beings on earth. Below are updates for the upcoming week and events. Have a terrific week! 1.  Our attendance competition  started today and lasts thru September 23rd. We are so excited to go up against Nelda Mundy, Oakbrook, and Green Valley Middle to see who can have the highest attendance percentage over the next two weeks. Friday, Officer Holecek from FPD visited to celebrate attendance and to say hello to kids this morning. Some other events related to the event:   a. T he grade with the highest attendance percentage over the two week period will earn a frozen fruit bar party/free recess for the entire grade on the week of September 26th. I will announce and post the percentages out front everyday.  b. We will select 10 students from each grade with perfect attendance over the period to sit at a special lunch table in the lunchroom on t...

Freeborn Creek Clean-Up!

Hi everyone, Check out this link about the clean up Freeborn Creek on Saturday, September 17th. Freeborn Creek Clean-up Have a great day!

Cordelia Hills Community Update

Good morning everyone, I hope the week has treated you well. A few important updates for the upcoming week: 1 . No School   on Monday in observance of Labor Day. 2 . Support the Cordelia Hills PTA!: Support the great work of our CHE Parent Teacher Association by joining the PTA today. The membership is $10.00 and the whole family is encouraged to join (parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles). This fall we are holding a membership drive competition with Putnam Elementary in New York state. If Cordelia Hills wins, students with family members who have joined the PTA will be able to duct tape Mr. Trotter to the courtyard wall. Also, the PTA will have a drawing for two chromebooks and an Apple Watch for those who join the PTA during the drive. For more information, check out 3. GATE referrals due by September 16th : If you are interested in having your 2-5th grader GATE tested, please complete the Test Request form on the FSUSD GATE webpage by Frida...