Week 2 coming to a close!

Happy Friday and Happy Hawaiian Spirit Day! We are starting to settle in after the first two weeks of school. Our students have been busy learning new routines and procedures. I've stressed a theme of igniting the passion for learning with staff and am encouraging our teachers to take the time to build strong relationships with every student (something they do well!)

A few important announcements and reminders for this week and beyond:

1. Schedule: as a new principal to the school, I am reviewing the school calendar and working with staff to make some slight changes to school specific events/dates. We will be sending out a finalized "spirit" day list along with other major events. We appreciate your patience.

2. Back to School Night: Back to School Night is coming up this next Tuesday, August 30th. The evening starts at 6:00 p.m. in the MPR with teacher introductions and a short school-wide presentation. We will hold two classroom sessions for parents: 6:30 and 7:00. Come learn about what we are passionate about!

3. Short Term Independent Study: Sometimes families have to be away for a small amount of time for a variety of reasons. We do offer short term independent study. Please remember that all independent study contracts must begin with the main office (Mrs. Lissick). While we understand that special circumstances arise, we ask that you give us 2 week notice. Also, we do have limitations on the amount of time students can be away in order to qualify for the program.

4. Coastal and Creek Clean-upSave the Date for Coast and Creek Cleanup Day. Join our community in cleaning up Freeborn Creek on September 17, 2016!!  This is the creek area right behind our school. For more information check in with Ms. Wilcox in Room B-11

Upcoming Dates/Events:

1. Back to School Night--8/30 @ 6:00 p.m.
2. Fall Photo Day--9/14
3. PTA Meeting, library --9/13 @ 3:15


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