First Week Wraps Up!

Friday marked the end of the first week of school. Thank you so much for you generous donation of supplies and materials to our classrooms. We can't thank you enough for your support of our program. For more information on donations to the classrooms, check out the lists on the front office window or go to our website: Cordelia Hills Webpage

A few reminders about traffic safety: Please politely follow all directions from school staff and please follow all traffic laws. Our biggest areas of concern include: speed in the morning, turning around in the middle of Canyon Hills Drive, waving your child across lanes of traffic, and using inappropriate language with staff. Thank you so much for your cooperation in keeping drop off and pick up safe.

Remember, every Wednesday is a collaborative planning day with dismissal at 1:35 (with TK exceptions). Also, the District calendar can be found at:

Lastly, please join us on August 30th for BACK to SCHOOL NIGHT starting at 6:00 p.m. in the MPR. We will have a short introduction and then break for two different sessions (6:30 and 7:00).


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