CHE Update for 4/3

Welcome Back Coyotes!

We are excited to be back in session and headed for the final stretch of the school year! It is going to be a busy couple of months and we appreciate the support you provide us everyday and for sharing your wonderful scholars with us!

A few updates and notes for the upcoming weeks:

1. English Language Advisory--REMINDER: The CHE ELAC is meeting Thursday, April 5th at 2:50 in the library. All ELAC families are welcome! Refreshments available and children are welcome to attend. 

2. Reminder about 5th grade End of Year: Fairfield-Suisun Elementary does not hold promotion/graduation ceremonies for 5th grade students. Nevertheless, we feel it is important to recognize this important transition for our students. We will host an event the final day of school (June 8th) to celebrate the transition and to wish them a farewell. Look for more information!

3. Digital Citizenship: We are seeing a dramatic uptick in the number of students struggling to meet expectations related to digital citizenship and the use of personal devices. It is imperative that we team together to talk to students about appropriate device use (here and at home) and that we monitor the use of devices by students. Thank you for your support.

4. CAASPP Testing: CAASPP testing season is nearly here. Cordelia Hills will start the week of April 23. WE really need all 3rd-5th graders here for testing. Please avoid planning appointments and days off during this period. Students completing making the test up have shown that they typically don't perform as well on the assessment.  

5. Father Daughter Dance Photos: 

Hello Cordelia Hills members,

If you took professional photos at the dance and would like to order more or weren't able to purchase that evening, you can now place orders online via the link below. The prices are the same: One 5x7 for $10, Two 5x7's for $15

Orders must be placed by Friday, 4/27 . All orders will be delivered to the front office .

Thank you! Cordelia Hills PTA

Upcoming Events:

April 4: Wildlife Assembly, Talent Show Auditions
April 6: Student of the Month Lunch
April 11: SPRING PHOTO DAY (info coming home this week), Talent Show Auditions, PTA Meeting @ 6:15
April 12: Spring BOGO Book Fair starting @ 2:30
April 18 and 20: Talent Show assemblies @ 8:30
April 26: End of Progress Report 
April 27: No School, Mother Son Hike @ 10 am


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