Final CHE Update

Good morning and welcome to the final week of school for the 2016-2017 school year. I feel so lucky to work here in Cordelia with you and your students. A few final updates and announcements for the week:

Field Day: Classes will be participating in a range of outdoor activities as part of field day today and will rotate thru a few stations. Many of the events were created by students! Thank you to the parent volunteers and student volunteers!

Yearbook Distribution: Yearbooks have arrived and will be distributed to students who pre-ordered on Tuesday, June 6th. Any remaining yearbooks that have not been distributed will go on sale at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 8th in the main office. It is first come, first serve and the office will only accept cash ($20.00).

Honor Roll Assembly: Honor Roll assembly for grades 4 and 5 will be Thursday, June 8th. Please note that the assembly will start at 8:30. Teachers are still working on grades and so we can't announce recipients just yet.

-----------------Last Day of School events-----------

Friday, June 9th::

Minimum Day  (K dismissal at 11:35 a.m. and 1-5 dismissal at 11:40).

Perfect attendance assembly at 8:30 a.m. Please note invitations have gone out and should have arrived this last weekend or early this week.

5th Grade farewell starts at 10:30. Please remember we are only able to accommodate a limited number of guests for the 5th grade farewell. Thanks for your understanding.

Please return library books. We greatly appreciate it.

Report cards come home later this week.

**Lastly, PLEASE come check the lost and found. Leftover jackets, coats, etc. will be donated the week after school releases.**


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