CHE Update for 3/14

Wow! What a great start to the week with this bright sun! Sometimes, educators take themselves a bit too seriously and forget to have some fun. While academics are our primary mission, I know that our kids will remember and thrive in those classes that they remember every day. When your child gets home today, ask them, "what was the best thing that happened at school today?" I would love to hear some responses so feel free to email me back or to leave a blog comment! 

Some updates and announcements for this week:

1. Report Cards: Report cards come home this week. If you have a conference with the teacher, you will receive the report card at the conference. If you don't have a conference, the report cards come home on Wednesday. Also, our 4th and 5th grade honor roll assembly is on Friday, March 31st starting at 8:45 in the MPR. This is for any student with a GPA of 3.0 and above. Parents are welcome to join us!

2. Accountability Dashboard: The state board of education is rolling out a new accountability dashboard for schools starting tomorrow, 3/15. The new dashboard takes a broader view of school success and measures schools using several metrics, including: chronic absenteeism, suspension rate, English learner progress, English language arts test scores, and math test scores. They are now determining progress based on both GROWTH and current status. For example, they will determine our performance level in math based on how we scored and how that compares to last year. I will send links to the data next week but if you have any questions, please reach out anytime. 

3. Upcoming School eventsThe weeks after spring break will be very busy. We have lego steam classes for grades K-5 starting March 27. Each class will participate. The kids love this so make every effort to make sure they are at school. WE also have Royal Dance company visiting starting on April 3rd. We will have a school wide dance on April 7th (TBD). We also have a number of field trips coming up so be sure to get all field trip paperwork in asap. 

4. Upcoming PTA events: The PTA is hosting several exciting events in April. We have the Mixed Bag Fundraiser starting March 27th. The Spring BOGO Book Fair is April 13th, and the Mother/Son Hike at Rockville Park is on Friday, April 14th. 


March 15th-March 17th: Minimum Days--dismissal at 11:35 (TK/K) and 11:40 (1st-5th grade)
March 20-24: Spring Break
March 27: Mixed fundraiser begins
March 27-March 30: Brick space activities in each class
March 30: GVMS Band Performs at 9:00 a.m.  (Grades 3-5)
April 3-April 6: Royal Dance
April 13: Spring BOGO Book Fair (2:45-8:00 p.m.--MPR)
April 14: Non Student Day, Mother-Son Hike
April 17: No School
April 19: Wildlife Assembly
State Testing: 4/18-5/25 (Grades 3-5). ** Sorry for the delay in the schedule but we may be getting additional chrome books and that will drastically change the schedule. I will have a draft done before spring break.

2017-18 calendar: FSUSD 2017-18 calendar


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