CHE Update

NOTIFICATION of SCHEDULED WORK in Cordelia The City of Fairfield is going to be working on many of the surface streets in the wider Cordelia area. Based on the specific notices and visits we've received from the city, we expect the work to be disruptive to traffic flow around the school site over the course of the next several weeks. We will do our best to facilitate traffic flow and to make sure parents have access to the site during those important drop off and pick up times but based on the experience of other schools, it is very likely that some days will be especially difficult with traffic flow. Thanks for your patience! 5th Grade Slideshow : We are preparing a 5th grade slideshow for the end of the year farewell. The slideshow will include photos of our fifth graders engaged in school activities or local community activities over the last 6 years at Cordelia Hills. We are looking photos that have two or more of our students in them. If you have photos to share, p...