
Showing posts from March, 2017

CHE Update for 3/28

Welcome back to CHE! Yesterday marked 50 days until the end of the year. While we are definitely on the downhill of the 2016-2017 school year, it is going to be a VERY busy, exciting race to the end. A glimpse into some of the work we have going on this week and beyond: 1. 99% Attendance Competition: Our school wide attendance goal is 98% attendance for the school year. Winter months are tough for attendance and so spring is an important time to get our attendance back on a positive track and to ensure students are in classes. This week, we are looking for students to meet a simple challenge. 99% attendance for the school. If we can hit our goal twice this week, students will be selected to throw pie at me (and any other adult willing to join me) at lunch time. I know we can do it! 2. Brickspace : BrickSpace (out of Benicia) is here for the next two weeks holding Lego Steam classes for our students. We have started with 5th grade Lego Robotics and will work through our clas...

CHE Update for 3/14

Wow! What a great start to the week with this bright sun! Sometimes, educators take themselves a bit too seriously and forget to have some fun. While academics are our primary mission, I know that our kids will remember and thrive in those classes that they remember every day. When your child gets home today, ask them, "what was the best thing that happened at school today?" I would love to hear some responses so feel free to email me back or to leave a blog comment!  Some updates and announcements for this week: 1. Report Cards:  Report cards come home this week. If you have a conference with the teacher, you will receive the report card at the conference. If you don't have a conference, the report cards come home on Wednesday. Also, our 4th and 5th grade honor roll assembly is on Friday, March 31st starting at 8:45 in the MPR. This is for any student with a GPA of 3.0 and above. Parents are welcome to join us! 2. Accountability Dashboard:  The state bo...

5th grade families!

Hi 5th grade families. Just a reminder that the Green Valley Middle 6th grade orientation is tomorrow at 5:30 in the Green Valley gym. YOU DO NOT need to fill out an additional residency verification for Green Valley. You should have already done that for our school. If you haven't done it this year, please turn it in asap so you can be registered for classes next year. Thanks!

CHE Update for 3/6

Hi everyone!! Happy Monday. We are off to a great start this week and so thank you for getting your happy and healthy kids here to start off the week! This last week has been stellar for attendance with our school topping out over 98% attendance. Mrs. Chun-Remick's class and Mrs. Gill's class had perfect attendance all last week and Mrs. Chun-Remick is now going on 6 straight days with no one absent.  A few announcements and reminders for this week: 1. Parent Toolkit:  Mrs. Cherry at GVMS shared a terrific link that supports parents in supporting students. Check it out at . They have information and resources for each grade. If you have already navigated the website and have any advice or feedback on it, please feel free to email me or share.  2. Report Card Conferences:  Report card conferences are approaching quickly. If you would like a report card conference or if a teacher has reached out to you, please make sure y...