Coyote Family Update for 11/27

Welcome back! I hope you had a refreshing time the last week and that you had some time to be with family! We are now knee deep into the second trimester. I have asked teachers to meet with students and to set new growth goals. We are focused on a belief that all of ours students have strengths that can be used to grow, no matter where they are achieving! We appreciate your support. Highlights Attendance : Congrats to Mrs. Chun-Remick and Ms. Mellein for top attendance on the week before break. I can't stress how important the next eight weeks are for school attendance. December and January rate as some of the worst for school attendance for both students and staff. As much as possible, please avoid taking extra time off during this period. I know sometimes sickness and appointments are unavoidable. We appreciate your support in advance and know we can top our attendance goal! Winter Festival : The Annual Winter Festival is coming up on Friday, December 8th...