Coyote Family Update for 9/25/17
Happy Monday and a new week! Make it awesome! Highlights • Congrats to Ms. Vogel and Ms. Stone for being the first classes to meet the attendance challenge (10 days of perfect attendance for the month of September). Congrats to both. We have five more school days left and a few classes are very close. Remember, missing even one day makes a huge impact. Check out these attendance facts from Attendance Works: Attendance Matters • MAP Testing Season has arrived just in time for Fall. MAP is the District Wide Assessment Program for Grades 1-5 in both ELA and Math. It is taken on the computer and is adaptive (the better they do, the harder the questions and vice versa if they are struggling). The test provides a "score" and "growth goal" and helps teachers and students determine what goals/actions they need to take to see academic growth. • The Fall Book Fair has wrapped up. Many thanks to the PTA board for organizing the event and many thanks ...