
Showing posts from April, 2017

CHE Update for 4/24

I was in the front parking area and a parent drove up to me on Friday and said she needed to speak with me. I walked up to her window and she declared emphatically that "Mr. Amos needs a paw pride. I just love that man." She went on to tell me about an interaction she watched that morning. A young boy was walking up to the school and Amos told the boy to pull over and then he proceeded to help him tie his shoe. Another boy questioned Amos on why he was doing that and that the boy didn't ask for help. Amos told him the second child that sometimes you just have to do the right thing to help a friend and that you shouldn't have to always be asked before doing the right thing. I know so many of you already know how wonderful Amos is but I am constantly struck on how he stands as a powerful example of what being a tremendous educator and good human should be all about. Whether someone is a parent, teacher, principal, or support staff, we all have a unique opportunity to ...

4/21/17 A.M. Incident at CHE

Parents, please see the attached information regarding a safety related incident near CHE on the morning of 4/21/17 CHE Incident 4/21/2017 CHE Incident Espanol

CHE Update for 4/18

Good morning, Coyote Families! I hope you had a great weekend. We had a terrific turnout for the Mother-Son Hike on Friday afternoon. We have some amazing MOMS in our CHE community. You all rock!  Just a few updates for CHE this week: 1. CAASPP testing is upon us next week. Grades 3, 4, and 5 will be testing during our testing window.   It is really important that students are in class, on-time during the testing period. We can't wait for our students to tackle this assessment and to show us all of the great learning progress they've made this year! rd grade: April 24-April 28th (all day) 4th grade: May 1st-May 5th (all day) 5th grade: May 8th-May 15th (all day) Make-ups: ON-going thru-May 25th 2. Attendance : Our attendance goal for this year is 98%. We have dipped down the last few weeks (allergies, colds, coughs, etc.). Help us meet our goal by ensuring your child is here, on-time, every day. This week, if our school can hit 98% two days, ...

Book Fair Volunteers Needed!

Hi everyone, PTA is still in need of volunteers for the BOGO book fair tomorrow and for the mother-son hike on Friday. The following links are to sign-up. Thanks for your support! ST BF:  https://m.signupgenius. com/#!/showSignUp/ 20F0F4EA8A82BA75-scholastic M/S hike:  https://m.signupgenius. com/#!/showSignUp/ 30e094eabae29a6f49-motherson

CHE Update for 4/10

Hi all!! Happy Monday. I had the chance to visit the Suisun Wildlife Center yesterday to check on the CHE owls. We had a total of 4 baby owls on campus and 3 of the 4 are doing well. **Reminder--NO SCHOOL FRIDAY, 4/14 OR MONDAY, 4/17 It is a busy week ahead. Some of the events and things to know for this week: 1. The CHE Mother-Son Hike is coming up this Friday, April 14th. The event will be at Rockville Regional Park starting at 10 am. PTA is offering pre-ordering for boxed lunches and keepsake photos. Pre-Order forms are available in the main office but are due today. This is a school holiday and the school will be closed. Rockville Regional Park . 2. PTA is hosting a general association meeting at 6:15 in the school library, tomorrow, Tuesday, April 11. Check out the Cordelia Hills Elementary PTA FB page for more information. 3. Our Spring BOGO Free book fair is from 2:45-8 p.m. in the school MPR. We hope you can make it! 4. CAASPP Testing : CAASPP testing takes pla...

Mid-Week Updates!

Hi everyone, A couple of mid-week updates. First, there is some confusion about Royal Dance. The Royal Dance company has been on site all week working with all of our students. This year, the schedule given to us by FSUSD, has been abbreviated. This means we won't have a day for a performance. The Dance company did tell students today that they could invite parents to the grade level practice tomorrow (if weather permits). If you are interested, please stop by and check into the main office. Also, the letter sent out with our students of the month was incorrect. The lunch for students of the month is this Friday, April 7th and not Thursday, April 6th. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Sorry for any confusion. Thanks for everything, ST

CHE Update for 4/3

Good morning CHE. The photo above is of an injured juvenile owl found on campus this morning. Our kindergarten students have named the owl Barney Sparkle Brooster (not my idea!). It has since been picked up by the local bird rescue and is being treated. I will keep you updated if I hear anything additional. I hope you had a terrific weekend. I saw so many photos of busy CHE kids at baseball, birthday parties, the beach, and beyond. I love that so much of our student body stays so active over the weekend. Some important updates and announcements: Honor Roll : Congratulations to our many 4th and 5th grade honor roll students. I enjoyed recognizing so many students at the assembly. Thanks to the many parents for coming to support our students on that day! I know it isn't always possible to make it to the campus and so it is nice to see such a large showing of parents here! Testing Schedule : State testing is nearly upon us. SBAC testing will take place starting April 24th an...